Why Is There A Bubble In My Tire? Revealing The Facts!

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When the matter comes to driving safely on the road, tires are a must to be in good shape.

In that way, a bubble in the tire is not something that you can take lightly as it can put you at risk. When that happens, you need to investigate.

Generally, a bubble in the tires is formed by the damage to the inner lining of the tires. When the inner lining of the tire is damaged, it causes the air to seep into between the layers of the tire and creates a bubble or bulge. Due to several reasons like impact damage, driving with a flat tire, or manufacturing defects, that happens.

Whatever it is, you need to understand every reason for the tire bulging for your safety on the roads.

So, get going reading for a complete know-all.

Why Is There A Bubble In My Tire?

Tire bulges or bubbles occur when the inner lining of the tire of your vehicle becomes damaged. Generally, the inner lining of the tires is responsible for containing air.

When the inner lining of the tire becomes damaged, it becomes weak and springs a leak. If that happens, air seeps through the leak of the inner lining with the pressure from the road, trapped under the outer layer of the tire. 

More air starts collecting over time creating a visible bulging known bubble of the tire. There are several reasons for the damage to the inner lining of the tire.

Let’s check that out. 

#1. Impact Damage

The vast majority of the tire bubbles are caused by the impact damage. When the tire of your vehicle hits a sharp object on the road, the force created from the speed and the weight of the vehicle is centered in a small area. 

It pinched the inside of the tire causing a small hole in the inner lining. As a result, it creates a way for the air to escape.

Some of the most common impact damage are included –

  • Potholes
  • Speed bumps
  • Curbs
  • Railroad crossings
  • Road construction areas
  • Debris in the road
  • Heavily damaged roads

#2. Driving With A Flat Tire

If one drives the vehicle with a flat tire repeatedly, it causes the tire of the vehicle to come in contact with foreign objects. It causes the inner lining of the tire to be damaged, which results in the tire bulging or tire bubbles.

#3. Under-inflated Tires

Under-inflated tires hold a risk of bubbling. When the tires are not inflated properly, it creates excess heat causing adhesive collapses of the adhesive bonding. This creates a way for the tire bubbles.

#4. Overloading

It is one of the main causes for the tires to have a bubble. Overloading of the vehicle damages the steel and plies from the internal of the tires. It caused the failure of the alignment of the tires, showing a bulging.

#5. Manufacturing Defect

Not only impact damage, overloading, or negligence is the reason for the bulging of the tires, but also it can happen due to manufacturing defects.

Although it is likely a very rare case, sometimes the glue fails to hold the layers of the tire together creating gaps for bubbles to form.

Is It Safe To Drive With Bubbles In The Tire? What Dangers May It Possess?

For your ultimate safety on the road, the tire must have to be smooth and round.

That’s why whenever you notice a section of the tire tread bulging, you should stop driving immediately, regardless if it is minor or major.

It is a telltale that there is something big wrong with the tire and it will not be safe to drive any further with that tire. That’s because it possesses several risk factors.

For instance-

#1. Reduced Traction

When the tire gets a bubble, it compromises the ultimate ability of the vehicle to grip the road which results in decreased traction.

Due to the reduced traction, it will be challenging for the drivers to maintain control over the vehicle, especially in unfavorable weather conditions and on busy roads.

#2. Blowout Potentiality

Since more and more air escapes from the inner lining of the bubbled or bulged tire, it possesses the potentiality of unexpected blowouts during driving.

No wonder that can trigger an alarming situation for both yourself and your vehicle as well!

#3. Uneven Wear Of Tires

If you have one or more tire bulges, the weight of the vehicle cannot be distributed evenly. When that happens, it causes irregular tire wear. It additionally compromises the safety of yourself on the road.

So, taking the risks of the tire bubble into account, you need to stop driving and take prompt action to fix it immediately.

But if the situation can’t be helped, the below steps can be taken, although it’s wrong enough.

  • Don’t exceed the driving speed of 56 km/h or 35 mph
  • Don’t do braking or hard acceleration
  • Avoid road irregularities and potholes

What To Do When There Is A Bubble In My Tire?

Say you get a bubble in your tire, now what? Luckily, any incidents that result from tire bubbles can be prevented just by noticing the bubble early and getting it replaced at the right time.

That is because replacing the tire completely is the only thing that you can do when there is a bubble in the tire of your vehicle.

There is no way to fix the inner lining of the tire once it is damaged that can save the tire.

So, when you notice the tire bulging in your vehicle, get it replaced right away. This way you can ensure your safety on the road.

How Much Can It Cost To Replace The Bubbled Tire?

The cost to replace the tire depends on the brand, style, and tire size of your vehicle.

For instance, a 15-inch tire for a small hatchback will cost you less whereas a 20-inch tire for a large pickup truck will cost you more.

As for the general pricing, the cost of the new tires can be highlighted below.

  • Inexpensive tires generally range between $50 to $150 for each
  • Moderately priced tires will range between $100 – $300 each and
  • The high-end tire can cost between $300 – $1000 each.

Moreover, you have to pay additional prices for the installation process, if you choose the experts to replace the tire of your vehicle.

Although the price of the installation depends on the shop you choose, and the area you live in. Overall, it can cost you anywhere from $15 to $45 per tire.

Do Tire Warranties Cover Bubbles?

You know tire warranties indeed cover the pro-rated replacement or the replacement of the bubbled tire only when the bubble occurs due to the manufacture defects. 

In general, the warranties last up to 4 to 6 years for the tires. If you notice the bubble on it in that time frame or your tire wears down, you can get a new tire from the manufacturer under the warranties. 

But to be frank, you should not count on the manufacturer’s defect for the tire bulging, as these types of cases are very unlikely. 

Bulging tires mostly happen due the impact damage on the road or just for poor tire maintenance. So, sometimes the warranties may not work for you!

Effective Tire Bubble Preventing Tips!

Well, as you see tire bubbles pose a risk to your road safety, so, it is better to prevent it in the first place.

Here are some effective tips that can assist you in maintaining the integrity of your tire. 

  • Inspect your tires more frequently: Check the tires of your car regularly before starting your daily work schedule.
  • Ensure regular maintenance: It will help you to detect tire damage early and take action before it is too late.
  • Avoid driving on a flat tire: When you have a flat tire, replace it at once.
  • Try to avoid driving over the potholes: Try to find an alternative way without potholes.
  • Never overload your vehicle: Always haul your vehicle according to the capacity of the vehicle.


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